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Kadupul flower

Celestial nagas


This flower is easily cultivated, but is rare for the sole reason that it blooms so rarely. They are found in Sri Lanka in the wild and have spiritual significance to Buddhists. When they do bloom, they bloom only at night near midnight and then mysteriously wither before dawn. I waited until midnight to take these and enjoy the event. These emit a very strong pleasant scent too.


According to Buddhists, it is believed that when the flower blooms, the Nagas (semi-mythical Sri Lankan tribes) descend from their heavenly abodes to present the flower as a gift to Buddha.

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Bhagya Herath
Spotted by
Bhagya Herath

Kandy CP, Sri Lanka

Spotted on Jul 14, 2013
Submitted on Jul 20, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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