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Sooty Sea Hare

Aplysia brasiliana


A soft-bodied mollusk with color variation and wing-like extension of the foot used for swimming. It has tentacle-like rhinophores, located on top of head, originate directly behind the eyes. Oral tentacles flare laterally at the terminal mouth. It does contain a flattened internal shell, partially embedded in the mantle.


Shallow salt water near an inlet connect an estuary and the ocean.


This species is hermaphroditic and can use both female and male sex organs. While mating individuals can be seen creating long chains. Each individual donates sperm to the one in front of it, while it receives sperm from the individual behind. They typically feed on algae and bacterial films and when in danger they squirt out purple ink for confusion and to defend themselves. The purple ink can actually harm fish if it is well concentrated. This little fellow was very close to the shore and not moving. I moved it out in deeper waters, but it may have been waiting for the tide to fully come in before swimming again. No ink was squirted. This was my second encounter with a sea hare. It was my dad's first. :) The pattern on its body reminds of crystal glazes on pottery. Picture was taken in St. Augustine, FL.

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Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

Yeah they are really neat! It was very unexpected.

TeresaBurke 10 years ago

Woah. Never seen one of those!

Rosa Maria
Spotted by
Rosa Maria

Florida, USA

Spotted on May 12, 2014
Submitted on May 22, 2014

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