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Wood Frog

Lithobates sylvatica



1 Species ID Suggestions

Wood Frog
Lithobates sylvatica Untitled Document

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Mr. Goldfish
Mr. Goldfish 10 years ago

So is this not updated? Are you sure?

LisaPowers 10 years ago

Years ago, they separated the North/South American species from the Old World species. Rana was reserved for the Old World species. Most of the North American species were put into the genus Lithobates. The current correct name for this spotting is Lithobates sylvaticus.

All of the major herpetological groups have adopted Lithobates as the genus. (SSAR, IH, IHS, HL & CNAH)

Mr. Goldfish
Mr. Goldfish 10 years ago

I think it is still under debate. I read this.

Aaron_G 10 years ago

Rana and Bufo in North America disappeared a couple of years back. Visit this link to the Center for North American Herpetology and click on the FROGS link in the left-hand column. It will give you updated taxonomic names for frogs and toads.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 10 years ago

Mr. Goldfish, yes, I am pretty sure that Lithobates includes many species which were formerly Rana:

Mr. Goldfish
Mr. Goldfish 10 years ago

Really? Are you sure it is not in the genus Rana? There is a subgenus Lithobates. Did they move those Lithobates up a level to genus?

alicelongmartin 10 years ago

Again -good camaflouge!

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 10 years ago

The reference link includes the old genus, Rana. Rana is no longer the genus name for this species.

Spotted by

Saint-Jérôme, Québec, Canada

Spotted on Jul 30, 2013
Submitted on Jul 30, 2013

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