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Downy Woodpecker

Picioides pubescens


The Downy Woodpecker is black and white above, white below. the white cheeks are interupted by a broad black line, a thin mustuache runs from bill to the back of the neck, and there are black bars on the outer tail feathers.


The Downy Woodpecker ranges throughtout most of the forests in North America except in the southwestern deserts. Their habitat is in mix woodlands, parks, and suburbs.


The Downy Woodpecker is smallest woodpecker growing up to 6 inches long. they are identical to the Hairy Woodpecker. The only way to tell them apart is by their size and their bill.

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Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Spotted on Jul 20, 2013
Submitted on Jul 31, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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