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Robber Fly


Buddlia bush


The larger insect looked like some type of bee. It was carrying a dead bumble bee with what looked to be it's stinger.

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1 Comment

ForestDragon 10 years ago

Cool find! The larger insect with the bumble bee in it's mouth is a Bee-like Robber Fly. Robber Flies are voracious predators. The Bee-like Robber Flies are Bumble Bee mimics.

It will probably be difficult to get a species on the Robber Fly but here is a link to the Bugguide page for the Genus:

If you click on the "Browse" tab it will give you a list of the species.

Spotted by

Franklin, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Aug 7, 2013
Submitted on Aug 7, 2013

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