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Red Winged Blackbird


Young red winged blackbirds, black, some with red on their wings. Eating oats in the oat field. Flying in large groups.


Northern Alberta, lakeside farm field and forest.


Didn't get a pic-I only have the oat field that they were in

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1 Comment

KarenL 10 years ago

Kitty, I'm sorry you didn't manage to get a pic of the birds. It's frustrating - it happens to me all the time! Unfortunately we can only accept spottings where we can see living organisms, or with signs of wildlife such as tracks, nests, eggs or webs, so please can you replace this spotting with one that is focused on an animal, plant or fungus. Thanks!

Spotted by

Alberta, Canada

Spotted on Aug 13, 2013
Submitted on Aug 14, 2013

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