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Garden scarab

Phyllopertha horticola


The beetles can reach a length of 12-15 mm and an oval , compact shape . The coloration varies greatly . Most head , pronotum and scutellum are metallic green and the wing-coverts pale brownish . Regional outweigh certain dyes. Like all beetles of the subfamily have at July beetles all legs five-membered tarsi , the last Tarsenglied has two non- trained claws. The outer claw is longer than the inner . In the genus anomala is in both sexes the larger claw of the front four legs split ( fig 4) , with the hind legs , it is not split. The front rails usually have two external teeth . The movable mandrel to the inside of the rail located behind the front inwardness tarsi . The sensors are neungliedrig , the last three terms form a dark-colored subjects , which is occupied only with few hairs and therefore shines (Fig. 5). The pronotum narrowed at the base not on the front it is limited by a membranous rim ( shown in fig 3 yellowish) . The pronotum base is completely ungerandet , while in the related and somewhat larger type anomala vitis the pronotum base is ungerandet only in the middle. The elytra have a membranous seam which is formed mainly evident in the posterior margin . The wing-coverts are like the entire body top bald, what distinguishes July beetles of the similar garden chafer .


The range extends from southern Italy to southern Norway, central Sweden and central Finland. In England and Scotland the species is found only locally. The beetles colonize sandy and loamy soils, where grow u a willow, birch, poplar, elm and hazel bushes.

1 Species ID Suggestions

garden scarab / Gartenlaubkäfer
Phyllopertha horticola

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1 Comment

Benno Ibold
Benno Ibold 10 years ago

Thank you Michael, I was in doubt because this is very similar.

Benno Ibold
Spotted by
Benno Ibold

Alpen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Spotted on May 31, 2014
Submitted on Jun 1, 2014

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