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Japanese stilt grass

Microstegium vimineum


This plant was accidentally introduced into Tennessee around 1919 and is assumed to have entered from packing material used to ship porcelain from China. It has spread throughout the Southeastern US and is now found in 26 states. Microstegium most commonly invades along roads, floodplain and other disturbed areas, but will also invade undisturbed habitats. Invasion of Microstegium can reduce growth and flowering of native species, suppress native plant communities, alter and suppress insect communities, slow plant succession and alter nutrient cycling. However, removal of Microstegium can lead to recovery of native plant communities.


Neighbor's yard

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Maria dB
Spotted by
Maria dB

North Carolina, USA

Spotted on Aug 24, 2013
Submitted on Sep 16, 2013

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