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White Pine


These are all over the place around were I live.

1 Species ID Suggestions

TrevorStaker 13 years ago
White Pine
Pinus strobus White Pine

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boater274 12 years ago

Yes, Eastern white pine. Another easy ID is the needles come 5 in a bunch.

TrevorStaker 13 years ago

White pine is one of our most abundant pine species in the eastern deciduous forest, although it's actually somewhat of a disjunct species; that is, it's more native to the boreal forests up north in Canada and Maine. The key I.D. tip for this tree is to look at the layering patterns of the branches--White Pine grows in a radial manner, with a new layer of branches per year. So, you can tell how old it is just by counting the layers, instead of cutting it down to count the rings!

Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Feb 21, 2011
Submitted on Feb 21, 2011

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