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Ibis of some sort. Maybe Sacred Ibis?


Spotted at Lake in Englischer Garten in Munich,Germany.

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AlanStenhouse 10 years ago

There are populations of these in France and Italy so perhaps it got a bit waylaid. Also perhaps significant the major storm that's just gone over W. Europe?

staccyh 10 years ago

Yep as Doren said, it doe look like a Sacred Ibis, cool spotting!

Doren B
Doren B 10 years ago

Yes, this looks like a Sacred Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus, which is not a naturally-occurring species in Germany. This could be an escapee from a zoological garden.

Spotted by

Bayern, Germany

Spotted on Oct 27, 2013
Submitted on Oct 28, 2013

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