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Steller's jay

Cyanocitta stelleri


Dark crest, head and neck; blue body, wings and tail.


Temperate coastal rain forest, in tall conifers at a highway rest stop.


This was a juvenile that had apparently fallen from the nest; it couldn't fly yet.

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

very cute!

shorty0927 12 years ago

It's so cute! :)

shebebusynow 13 years ago

It seemed to be fine with the situation, and the parents were supervising. I worried a little about raccoons getting it, but hopefully that would just be a stimulus to fly!

galewhale..Gale 13 years ago

That is really good to know thanks.

Zenyn 13 years ago

That bird is in the fledgling stage where it stays on the ground learning to fly. Many pepole think birds in this stage should be in its nest and has fallen but it does infact need to be on the ground exercising its wings.

galewhale..Gale 13 years ago

Could you help it?

Spotted by

Bellingham, Washington, USA

Spotted on Jul 20, 2008
Submitted on Mar 28, 2011

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