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Red-eared Slider

Trachemys scripta elegans


The Red-eared Slider is a freshwater terrapin that is native to the Mississippi River Basin of North America. This species gets its name from the red stripe behind its eye, and its habit of sliding off rocks or logs into the water when it is startled. The rest of the head and legs are dark with yellow stripes, and the shell is greenish brown. Red-eared Sliders can grow up to 20 cm (8 inches) long.


Lake in Piedmont park, Atlanta.


Red-eared sliders are native to the Southern United States and northern Mexico, but have become established in other places because of pet releases, and have become an invasive species in many areas where they outcompete native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Spotted on Jun 5, 2019
Submitted on May 28, 2021

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