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Fancy rat

Rattus norvegicus


The fancy rat is a domesticated brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), which is the most common type of pet rat.[1] The name fancy rat derives from the idea of animal fancy or the phrase "to fancy" (to like, or appreciate).[2] Fancy rats have their origins as the targets for blood sport in 18th- and 19th-century Europe. Specially bred as pets since then, fancy rats now come in a wide variety of colours and coat types and there exists several rat fancy groups worldwide. Fancy rats are commonly sold as pets in stores and by breeders. In fiction, pet brown rats are often depicted as tamed rather than domesticated, akin to when a character befriends a wolf. As tamed pets, they have been portrayed in roles that vary from evil to ambiguous to lovable.[3]


in the household


This is galaxy my late hooded rat, she is so cute i had to share her with you!:D

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1 Comment

JanineLingTurner 10 years ago

Thank-You ChiefRedEarth!

Spotted by

Tunbridge Wells, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on Jan 6, 2006
Submitted on Oct 26, 2013

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