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1000 year old tree

Terminalia myriocarpa


massive rainforest tree


rainforest on limestone


There are about 5 gigantic trees in Cuc Phoung listed on the visitors map. I visited them all. There was a sign near this tree giving its common name in Vietnamese - cay cho ngan nam, it's latin name and its age of 1000 years.

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JosephBullock 13 years ago


Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

Actually Cuc phoung is popular with school groups because its only 3 hours from Hanoi and the main trails are well kept. So, yes, unfortunately there are some names carved into the tree but nothing as ancient as 1000 years ago!

JosephBullock 13 years ago

Were there any initials on the tree?

JosephBullock 13 years ago

Were there any initials on the tree?

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Phủ Lý, Ninh Bình, Viet Nam

Spotted on Feb 8, 2010
Submitted on May 8, 2011

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