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Cardinalis cardinalis


Male bright red with crest.


Woodland edges, thickets, brush swamps, gardens. Winters in northern region. (ref Audubon Society Field Guid to North American Birds Eastern Region


Range: from the Dakotas, southern Ontario, Nova Scotia south to the Gulf Coast, and from southern Texas, Arizona, and southern California, southward into Mexico. Named after the red robes work by Roman Catholics cardinals.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Cardinalis cardinalis Cardinal (bird)

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MatthewFuller 13 years ago

It's the red bird from Angry Birds!

LauraMaria 13 years ago

Interesting! Seems it's very rare, and potentially an escapee/stow-away! I'd love it if we did have some cardinals here, would make me feel more at home :)

Cowboy Swami Shaman
Cowboy Swami Shaman 13 years ago

sounds right - natural down coats...
seems cardinals are in the uk
try sunflower seeds in the birdfeeder...that's how they came here.

LauraMaria 13 years ago

Yup, the puffed out feathers trap a layer of air against the bird's skin, and the body heat warms up the air and gives it some nice insulation! What a cute picture, when I lived in Canada we had a lot of these! Don't get these lovely birds in the UK

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

That is always what I have understood, somehow they trap in more heat between the feathers.

TampaDave 13 years ago

I believe the birds puff up like that in the cold to keep warm.

Cowboy Swami Shaman
Cowboy Swami Shaman 13 years ago

indeed. during the winter sometimes they look so fat, and other times, thin. I wonder if it is different birds or just that they change their shape for some reason.

New York, USA

Spotted on Apr 7, 2011
Submitted on May 18, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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