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Sideoats Grama

Bouteloua curtipendula


Bouteloua curtipendula, commonly called sideoats grama, is a native grass which is noted for the distinctive arrangement of oat-like seed spikes which hang from only one side of its flowering stems. Typically occurs in glades, prairies, open rocky woodlands and along railroad tracks. Narrow, bluish-gray leaf blades (to 1/4" wide) typically form a dense clump growing 1-1.5' tall. Foliage turns golden brown in autumn, sometimes also developing interesting hues of orange and red. Inflorescences of purplish-tinged flowers appear on arching stems above the foliage in early to mid summer, typically bringing the total height of the clump to 3' tall. Inflorescences fade to tan as the seeds mature. Genus name honors two Spanish brothers Claudius (d. 1842) and Exteban Boutelou (d. 1813) professors of botany and agriculture respectively.

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Wisconsin, USA

Spotted on Aug 10, 2015
Submitted on Oct 14, 2016

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