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Asclepias physocarpa


The flowers are small, with white hoods and about 1 cm across. The capsule is a pale green, and in shape an inflated sphere. It is covered with rough hairs. It reaches three inches in diameter. The leaves are light green, linear to lanceolate and 3 to 4 inches long, 1.2 cm broad. The seeds have silky tufts.


Asclepias physocarpa is an undershrub perennial herb, that can grow to over six feet. The plant blooms in warm months. It grows on roadside banks, 2800 to 5000 feet. The plant prefers moderate moisture, as well as sandy and well-drained soil and full sun.

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Seema 11 years ago


Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

I have the same spotting from Kenya, but wasn't sure what it was. Thanks, now I know!

Spotted by

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Spotted on Jul 1, 2011
Submitted on Jul 8, 2011

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