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White/see through eggs in cyclindrical chambers. A couple of the eggs/balls came out of the casings and can be seen (I think!) away from the main cluster. I found this on the underneath of a bouganvillea leaf I had just cut while at work. Anyone know what animal made it?

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Dangermouse 12 years ago

Thanks, KarenL. :) I have been told this before, I just haven't gotten around to checking through my spottings and making sure they're all where they should be!

KarenL 12 years ago

I've moved this to arthropods for you. Signs of wildlife like this are categorized by the organism that created them.

Dangermouse 12 years ago

If I ever find out, I will definitely let you know! :)

windmustache 12 years ago

Wow.. I want to know, too.

Spotted by

Algarve, Portugal

Spotted on Aug 1, 2011
Submitted on Aug 2, 2011

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