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Tragelophus angasii


Nyala are medium sized in comparison to other antelopes, with a marked size difference between the sexes. Males weigh 98-125 kg and stand over one meter tall at the shoulder, while females weigh 55-68 kg and are slightly less than a meter tall. Males have horns, which can be up to 80 cm long and spiral upwards, curving out at the first turn. Females and juveniles are usually a rusty red color, but adult males become slate gray. Both males and females have a dorsal crest of long hair that runs from the back of the head to the base of the tail, and males additionally have a fringe of long hair along the midline of their chest and belly. Nyala have some white vertical stripes and spots, the pattern of which varies.


Found in dry savanna woodland in south-eastern Africa


A handsome male who was kind enough to pose

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1 Comment

MickGrant 12 years ago

Nice photo! Lovely creature.

Spotted by

The Big Five False Bay Local Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Spotted on Sep 2, 2008
Submitted on Aug 14, 2011

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