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Leaf-footed Bug

1 Species ID Suggestions

luvnature 11 years ago
Leaf-Footed Bug species Western Conifer Seed Bug
Leptoglossus occidentalis Leaf-footed Bug - Species? - Leptoglossus occidentalis - BugGuide.Net

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luvnature 11 years ago

Oh, I just read that the webpage I sent you says something about a disease. Well, from what I understand the species here doesn't carry this. There is another species in South America that does carry this. Also they will bite just about any where on a person's body. Or on a dog or cat or any other pet mammal for that matter. Not sure if they go after birds. It is true that you don't feel them biting you asleep or awake. Only feel itchy later and realize you have been bitten.

luvnature 11 years ago

This is not a Kissing Bug. The Western Conifer Seed Bug doesn't harm people at all. Go to the following link to see what a Kissing Bug or Cone-nosed Bug looks like:
I have been bitten many times by these bugs so I know very well what they look like. I was cleaning up a rat nest and found loads of these bugs including babies in this nest. I put as many as I could in our garbage can. Make me itch just thinking about that.

Spotted by

Spotted on Aug 31, 2011
Submitted on Aug 31, 2011

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