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foam in a tree ...dripping water ...some kind of insect nest ...spittlebug ? cicada ??

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jprat001 12 years ago

I am not sure if it is spittlebug, i know they produce this foam

I believe as Gordon does, that it is an amphibian who did this. Ive seen this foam in many plants here in the amazon region of Ecuador, Im sure there is a frog specie that does this in the Amazon.

Rubens Araujo
Rubens Araujo 12 years ago

I looked for a bug using a stick ( this branch was a little bit high), but I did not find any bug...

jprat001 12 years ago

it might be a immature spittlebugs creating that foam?

Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 12 years ago

That is a lot of foam. I wonder if it is an arboreal amphibian, such as a frog, that lays its eggs within the protection of foam to keep the eggs and young moist. There are a couple of species that do that in Africa and one, I believe, in Asia.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

That is a lot of foam and water! I wonder if you collect the dripping water would there be any insects in it?

Rubens Araujo
Spotted by
Rubens Araujo

Caçapava, São Paulo, Brazil

Spotted on Sep 20, 2011
Submitted on Sep 20, 2011

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