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Birch bolete


These were growing amoungst the Manuka (Leptospermum scorparium) with the odd silver birch amongst them. Anka Bitenc is Slovenian and knows more about fungi than I will ever know. The fungi in this site all seemed to be like plants that have been suffering from a lack of light all very elongated and very tender. Very good to eat though. had them for dinner that night. cooked in cream with garlic, salt and pepper to taste, on noodles.


mixed regrowth all about 20 years old at the most, there were a lot of mushrooms here we collected enough to last the Winter as mushroom soup and various other dishes. One good way of preparing them for freezing was to mince them first and then freeze into meal sized portions. Then would put a bag into the pot and it was done.

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Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 12 years ago

of course people is valuable any where, but human pictures are not the target of Noah and they are usually deleted. You can read FAQ

MikeLoose 12 years ago

Funny thing I don't have a better photo and I thinkl a lot will be lost in cropping so will go back next year and get more photo's. And I personally think people are valuable any where.

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 12 years ago

Hi Mike, this is an interesting fungi, maybe you can crop this image for having more detail of the organism. People´s pictures don´t have much value in Noah anyway.

Spotted by

Southland, New Zealand

Spotted on Apr 12, 2009
Submitted on Dec 12, 2011

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