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Small Seeded Spurge

Chamaesyce polycarpa


Spreading weed with round, green leaves and pink and white flowers. This is native to California.


Hillside in full sun in Sage scrub and chaparral along Daley Ranch trail


First for Project Noah!

1 Species ID Suggestions

Rattlesnake Weed
Euphorbia albomarginata Euphorbia albomarginata

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CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Thank you craigwilliams. I really appreciate your ID though. Now I know there's a Rattlesnake weed around :) I am curious how it got its name though.

craigwilliams 12 years ago

Blimey! I can't tell the difference from photos but then that just goes to show how you can't always be certain of an ID just from photos, I guess. Well done for being so thorough in your research Cindy.

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Hello, I updated the ID. I found it using Calflora website. Someone has already documented this plant in this location so I'm quite confident in the ID. I am amazed how nearly identical Euphorbia albomarginata and Chamaesyce polycarpa look!

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Ah, well it's hard to speak for the US but I believe our use of the word weed is similar to the UK. I try to use the word for plants that just show up as apposed to being planted. There are many plants that I find undesirable and tend to label them as weeds as well. Until I started with Project Noah, I didn't realize there were so many plants with the name weed in it :)

craigwilliams 12 years ago

Thanks Cindy. I meant to say what does it mean to you, not what does it to you....sounded like I thought you had something to hold against it! I asked because I noticed that a lot of common names for native US plants have the word weed in them, just as this does, and I noticed a fair amount of references to wild plants as weeds too. Here in the UK weeds are generally unwanted plants in a garden and are 'weeded out'. I guess I also use it to refer to plucky plants that manage to show up and thrive in the disturbed conditions that we create around us.
Totally agree with you about this, it makes a charming ground cover!

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Thank you both! I suppose the word weed could be incorrect depending on if it's native or invasive. I have several plants at home that others consider weeds since they showed up on their own but I find many quite pretty. This plant stood out in the trail and was rather charming. I'd love to have it as ground cover!

craigwilliams 12 years ago

Got it!

ShaumingLo 12 years ago

the future landscape material!

craigwilliams 12 years ago

This is really lovely Cindy! Great photos too - thanks for sharing. I'd love to know what it is too. I'm curious about your use of the word weed. What does it to you and do you think there is a common definition in the US?

Escondido, California, USA

Spotted on Dec 14, 2011
Submitted on Dec 15, 2011

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