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spotted on dry stem in lake at county park


AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

@ asergio,ok it's vivem aqui passa a ser importante registá-las
@ok auntnance123 it's well decided,i agree also

auntnance123 12 years ago

I agree--whether a plant is native, naturalized, or invasive--I think it's important to document it within the mission.

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Hi Antonio. I had the same doubt before, about "south american flowers" that are actually foreigners. The answer was, if they grew here, then they are south american (in your case portuguese). / Oi Antonio. Eu tive a mesma dúvida sobre flores que crescem na América do Sul, mas que são, na verdade, estrangeiras. A resposta foi: se elas cresceram aqui, então são sul-americanas, mesmo sendo não-nativas.

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

the link is not good the question was this and about any foreigner plant or animal, i want to ask a noah ranger and you are the first today,so the question is simple,is correct to assign a spot like this in flowers of europe or in portugal's biodiversity?it's not from here,but now it's "living" here,what the correct thing to do?"

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

very nice spot you have here,i only have one miserabel dragonfly spot :-)very dificult to photographe, but your is explendide
i want to talk to a noah ranger about a simple matter,i trie S Frazier,but he doesn't saw the question and know i make it to you,pleses see the link

auntnance123 12 years ago

That was my first thought when I saw this pair, Cindy. But if you notice in the bugguide link the female is a different color. I have a previous spotting of the a Rambur's pair:

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Dec 14, 2011
Submitted on Dec 15, 2011

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