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Small fish.


Found in my garden...probably wandered in from the receeding flood waters.We released it in the freshwater channel that lead to the water bodies nearby.


Channa sp?

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SukanyaDatta 9 years ago

Mark, I have seen mudskippers in the Sunderbans area but my home is not near the sea...StirredMocha, I agree about the placement of the eyes but this is not Anabas...that fish I know well. It is considered a delicacy in Bengal, India. I was in a hurry to release it in water because it kept leaping out of my maid's hands and we feared it would hurt itself (plus we did not know how long it had been out of water) ...she discovered it and we did not want it to be breakfast for crows...maybe I should have taken a few more snaps.
Thanks to both of you.

StirredMocha 9 years ago

Mudskippers have more "froglike" eyes which would be placed on the top of the head. I think this fish is a climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) rather than a Channa sp.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Looks like an immature mudskipper type with those pectoral fins. Maybe a baby 'Pearse's mudskipper' ?

Spotted by

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Spotted on Sep 10, 2014
Submitted on Sep 12, 2014

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