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tailed jay

Graphium agamemnon


Male upperside black. Forewing with the following green markings: a spot at the extreme base of the costal margin, a transverse short bar near base of cell and seven spots beyond, two and two except the apical spot which is single; two spots beyond apex of cell; a spot at base of interspaces 1a and 1, followed by two oblique short macular bands; a discal series of spots decreasing in size towards the costa, and a postdiscal series of smaller spots that begins with two in interspace 1; the spots in interspace 7 in both series are out of line, placed outwards. Hindwing: three series of similarly-coloured markings that ran transversely across the wing more or less parallel to the dorsal margin, the upper markings (those in interspace 7) white; a short greenish stripe at the extreme base of the wing.


Once found primarily close to wooded country where there is a fairly heavy rainfall, the tailed jay is now very common at low elevations and regularly seen in gardens and urban areas due to its food plant, Polyalthia longifolia (false ashoka or mast tree), being widely used as an ornamental tree.

1 Species ID Suggestions

tailed jay
Graphium agamemnon Graphium agamemnon - Wikipedia

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1 Comment

SukanyaDatta a year ago

Hello saptaparna Bera, Welcome to Project Noah. This is a site to post wildlife photos taken by you.
In case you already know the name of the species you have photographed...go right ahead and fill in the boxes.
The Suggestion box is for others to give you names in case you need help with identification. In case you agree with the suggestion, use the Edit option (under the photo on the screen) and input the information so that the spotting is complete. Also, please fill in where you saw the species...not what books say about where it is found. Enjoy the site. Good luck with more spottings!

saptaparna Bera
Spotted by
saptaparna Bera

Khatuabar, West Bengal, India

Spotted on Oct 23, 2022
Submitted on Oct 23, 2022

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