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Watusi Bull



The Ankole-Watusi is a breed of cattle originally native to Africa. Its large, distinctive horns, that can reach up to 8 feet (2.4 m) from tip to tip, are used for defense. Ankole-Watusis weigh from 900 to 1,600 pounds (410 to 730 kg). Living in the savannas and open grasslands, their diet consists of grass and leaves. The animal is sometimes known as Ankole or Watusi, and is one of the Sanga group of types.


Grassland's, Savannah


Uganda, Africa

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Hans.New 12 years ago

The subline goes over the half of it´s face. But the horns are very impressive.

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

those are impressive horns

Spotted by

North Carolina, USA

Spotted on Jan 28, 2012
Submitted on Jan 29, 2012

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