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Rabbitfish, Spinefoot

Siganus sp.


Rabbitfishes or spinefoots are perciform fishes in the family Siganidae. The 28 species are in a single genus, Siganus. Rabbitfishes grow to about 40 cm (16 in) and have small, rabbit-like mouths, large dark eyes, and a shy temperament which gives them their name; the scientific name Siganus is simply the Latin term by which Mediterranean rabbitfishes were known in Ancient Rome. Most species have either bright colors or a complex and interesting pattern. Another unusual feature among rabbitfishes is their pelvic fins, which are formed from two spines, with 3 soft rays between them. The dorsal fin bears 13 spines with 10 rays behind, while the anal fin has 7 spines and 9 rays behind; the fin spines are equipped with well-developed venom glands. All rabbitfish are diurnal, some live in school, while others live more solitary lives among the corals. They are herbivorous, feeding on benthic algae in the wild. They are pelagic spawners. Many are fished for food, and the more colorful species—especially the foxfish – are often kept in aquaria. Rabbitfishes are often easily frightened and will use their venomous spines in defense. Their venom is not life-threatening to adult humans, but causes severe pain. Source :


Rabbitfishes are found in shallow lagoons in the Indo-Pacific and eastern Mediterranean.


Just not sure whether this a Marbled Spinefoot (S.rivulatus) or a Mottled Spinefoot (S. fuscescens). Anybody care to confirm? This one is definitely frightened given the raised spines and mottled look. Night dive at Dive and Trek Classroom.

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Eric Noora
Spotted by
Eric Noora

Batangas, Philippines

Spotted on Jan 22, 2012
Submitted on Feb 17, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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