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European Ground Beetle

Carabus nemoralis


Spotted this one surprisingly in late winter. Somehow he survived the cold and made it close to our home. Carabus nemoralis is a ground beetle common in central and northern Europe, as well as Iceland and the island of Newfoundland. It has also been introduced to and expanding its range in throughout North America.


Carabus nemoralis is a beneficial predator as it eats the agricultural pest Deroceras reticulatum/gray garden/milky slug, in its young stage and also its eggs. (German: Hainlaufkäfer)

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AlexKonig 12 years ago

wiki is good for informaton, but for name can you better look at eol !!

Jeannette 12 years ago

No I found it at another bugpage :)

LarsKorb 12 years ago

Yes, noticed the name...going to change it - thanks.
Funny, because there was no common name for it on the wiki-page.

Jeannette 12 years ago

Thank you Lars :)
I don't have an option, but I do have a lens I can change too, but sometimes when I am out I just use what's on the camera :)
By the way in english it's called European Ground Beetle :)

LarsKorb 12 years ago

You do good shots even without it...but give it a try - i learned to love the macro option

Jeannette 12 years ago

Yes I need to take more macros ;-)

LarsKorb 12 years ago

it's just the macro, i think

Jeannette 12 years ago

Yes :)
Yours look a little bigger ^^

LarsKorb 12 years ago

you're welcome - there he is, Jeannette ^^

Spotted by

Hohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Spotted on Feb 11, 2012
Submitted on Feb 11, 2012

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