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Eastern brown snake

Pseudonaja textilis


Adult eastern brown snakes are highly variable in colour. Whilst usually a uniform shade of brown, they can have various patterns including speckles and bands, and range from a very pale fawn colour through to black, including orange, silver, yellow and grey. Juveniles can be banded and have a black head, with a lighter band behind, a black nape, and numerous red-brown spots on the belly. This species has an average length of 1.5–1.8 m and it is rarely larger than 2 m.


The snake occupies a varied range of habitats from wet to dry sclerophyll forests (Eucalypt forests) and heaths of coastal ranges, through to savannah woodlands, inner grasslands and arid scrublands. It is not found in rainforests or other wet areas.


We found this Eastern brown snake sunning itself just outside our office window today. My friend Kaye had dropped by and nearly stepped on it as she was getting out of her car! Needless to say we encouraged it to move a little bit further into the bush.

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listeningearth 12 years ago

Thanks for all your lovely comments. The snake was literally at our back door/office window! We work from home and run a nature sound recording studio , so cameras are usually 'at the ready'. We also live in a forested rural area so there is always something flittering and fluttering by...

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 12 years ago

great photo - looks like he's very impressed with his shiny black forked tongue. Good spotting! btw do you always carry your camera to work ??

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 12 years ago

Excellent snake and spotting and info - thanks.
Is the map location where you last saw it?

ShannaB 12 years ago

Wow, an amazing spot AND an amazing shot!!!

Carolina 12 years ago

Awesome snake!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Wow! grate spotting

KarenL 12 years ago

Lovely spot!
Welcome to Project Noah listeningearth!

Spotted by

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Feb 21, 2012
Submitted on Feb 21, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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