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Fava beans

Vicia faba


My neighbor grows thes Fava bean plants in her vegetable patch. Once they grow this height ,she completely cuts of the plant and only leaves the roots behind to create a nitrogen rich soil. The roots of this plant have a lot of nitrogen. She then grows the tomatoes and cucumbers in this soil . Does this mean that the cucumbers and tomatoes grown in this kind of soil will have a higher protein content?

1 Species ID Suggestions

Apple 12 years ago
Fava beans or Broad beans
Vicia faba Vicia faba

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Great fact!

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

Yes is that,from what i learn about the process it's very good to substitution of the quimical fertelizers in bio agriculture,cientificly speaking:)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

so basically it enriches the soil but it does not mean that the plant will have a higher protein content?

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

Emma,i love favas,it's a very tradicional food in Portugal and beans toThe metod you talk about that you neighbour use,is very common in biologic agriculture,some vegetables have nodules in the roots that fixed the nitrogen,so if you grow those plants in to a medium size and them berry them the nitrogen in the nodules stay's in the growd and his absorved by the culture you made in the top,so the croop grow better.i dont know if the plants have in the end more protein content,but it's a very spread tecnic that i se people use,even normal farmers,to grow tomatos they grow first white lupin,that they berry before the grow is complet,white lupin,favas all the beans are Fabaceae and can be used in the same way.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Thanks for the great facts and ID!

Apple 12 years ago

@Christy---well that made me chuckle! I am a horror fan so I knew exactly what you were talking about...

They are a beautiful flower though aren't they...peas and beans make some of the most beautiful flowers.

ChristyHolland 12 years ago

These are beautiful flowers! Who would think that the garden vegetables' flowers would be so pretty! But now all I can think about is Hannibal Lector saying "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." ;-)

Apple 12 years ago

Great fact...."Broad beans are rich in L-dopa, a substance used medically in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. L-dopa is also a natriuretic agent, which might help in controlling hypertension.[8]" -- Wikipedia...

They are some great references to the fava bean in history on the wiki page.

Apple 12 years ago

Beautiful! That is a great example of purple in nature. I just love the flowers that come on bean plants. So gorgeous.

Spotted by

California, USA

Spotted on Mar 3, 2012
Submitted on Mar 3, 2012

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