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I´m a biologist interested in animal interactions, and a big fan of wildlife photography. I love birds and mammals (especially primates).

Bogotá, Colombia

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CamilaBarreto Ateles chamek
Ateles chamek commented on by CamilaBarreto Peru12 years ago

Unfortunately I couldn´t stay too long in Perú , but I was told some native people have fought against this cruel explotation. However, local police hasn´t payed attention to them because it´s a distant zone. There are not wildlife rescue groups in this zone

CamilaBarreto Common Squirrel Monkey
Common Squirrel Monkey commented on by CamilaBarreto Amazonas, Colombia12 years ago

Muchas gracias por tu bienvenida y aporte, Carolina!!. Espero subir mas fotos y mas info de otras especies, y contribuir en lo que pueda. Que suerte haber encontrado esta página. =)

CamilaBarreto Common Squirrel Monkey
Common Squirrel Monkey commented on by CamilaBarreto Amazonas, Colombia12 years ago

Yeah! I took that photo in "Monkeys´Park". They come to me for a banana I held on my hand, and after that I was able to catch this moment.

CamilaBarreto Ateles chamek
Ateles chamek commented on by CamilaBarreto Peru12 years ago

Hi! This is the cruel reality I found last year in Amazonas, Perú , actually in a peruvian zone so close to Leticia,Colombia.Different restaurants offer wildlife as part of the menu, and they exhibit wild animals in cages (birds such as parrots, toucans,etc; monkeys such as "titi monkeys", snakes and cocodriles as far as I saw) .It´s a shame they don´t appreciate what they have, the amazing biodiversity this ecosystem mantains. This monkey is called "Marimonda" , and you can see the pain in its eyes , the wish for freedom; it has a leash because the "owners" didn´t want it to scape.

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