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Emily Corbett

Emily Corbett

Killarney, On

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Emily Corbett Coral Snake
Coral Snake commented on by Emily Corbett Costa Rica10 years ago

que bonita!!

Emily Corbett Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Emily Corbett Sudbury, Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Cool find, Kolin! Add this spotting to the 'Flora and Fauna of Killarney Provincial Park'!

Emily Corbett Northern water snake
Northern water snake commented on by Emily Corbett Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Thanks for such an in-depth description! Your pictures are great.

Emily Corbett Very big mushroom
Very big mushroom commented on by Emily Corbett Lat: -90.00 Lon: 131.2910 years ago

That is a very big mushroom. I'm no mushroom pro, and identification can get a little tricky. My best guess is it's in the Boletus family. Perhaps Short-stalked Bolete (suillus brevipes) or Granular-dotted Bolete (Suillus granulatus)? Hope that helps!

Emily Corbett Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha commented on by Emily Corbett Ontario, Canada10 years ago

hey! get a room zanclognathas!

Emily Corbett Gray Tree Frog
Gray Tree Frog commented on by Emily Corbett Ontario, Canada10 years ago

It's pretty neat how they can change colours to better camouflage with their environment!

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