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jp.coelho animaisfotos Carolina PatriciaCuadradoDomínguez
Dixie Ava T-B DiogoParrinha Sarala Jeevanthi Gamage
GonçaloFerreira Sea otter
Sea otter commented on by GonçaloFerreira Lisboa, Portugal11 years ago

I do not change the colours, but I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

GonçaloFerreira White rhinoceros
White rhinoceros commented on by GonçaloFerreira Lisboa, Portugal11 years ago

Thank you. I love rhinos.

GonçaloFerreira Old World Swallowtail
Old World Swallowtail commented on by GonçaloFerreira Setúbal, Portugal11 years ago

Obrigado !

GonçaloFerreira Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by GonçaloFerreira Lisboa, Portugal11 years ago

You can see it in the location and in the mission "Captive animals"

GonçaloFerreira Blue Passion Flower
Blue Passion Flower commented on by GonçaloFerreira Portugal11 years ago

This one is not the Purple granadilla. The Purple granadilla is darker the sepals are purple, the petals ( which look like spikes in passifloras ) are thicker and the stigma is white. But thank you anyway.

GonçaloFerreira Horned tortoise beetle
Horned tortoise beetle commented on by GonçaloFerreira Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil11 years ago

Parece o espinho de uma rosa.

GonçaloFerreira African violet
African violet commented on by GonçaloFerreira Madrid, Madrid, Spain11 years ago

Basically, what you can see are zoomed one-cell layers of petales. Common to every picture, are the purple cells. The pigments are in the cell's vacuole, which is also turgid, meaning that this was a healthy plant, as vacuoles fill with water as they are filled with minerals and pigments, through osmosis. In the most zoomed pictures you can see the floemic tubes that carry the organic molecules derived from photosynthesis, like glycose. If there is anything else you wish to know, just ask. :)

GonçaloFerreira Indian rhinoceros
Indian rhinoceros commented on by GonçaloFerreira Lisboa, Portugal11 years ago

Great suggestion :)

GonçaloFerreira Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by GonçaloFerreira Setúbal, Portugal11 years ago

No, I just enhanced the contrast and brightness.

GonçaloFerreira Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by GonçaloFerreira Setúbal, Portugal11 years ago

Vou procurar.

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