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Gordon Dietzman

Gordon Dietzman

Gordon Dietzman -- Worked with endangered species, am a wilderness canoeist, conservation educator, and nature photographer. Noah Ranger.

Minnesota, USA

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Ariana susan.kirt3 rangergirl0141 David
TajSALDO mbrandel13 maplemoth662 Giovani
Gordon Dietzman Painted Lady
Painted Lady commented on by Gordon Dietzman Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA10 years ago

The painted lady has several eyespots on the underside the wing (usually four). The other species that may be confused with the painted lady is the American lady, which has only two eyespots. This is, indeed, a painted lady. A nice sequence of photos!

Gordon Dietzman Honeybees
Honeybees commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

I'd agree with Shea, it is a honeybee.

Gordon Dietzman Autumn Meadowhawk
Autumn Meadowhawk commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

This is a young female Autumn Meadowhawk. The yellow legs, in our area, tell us the species; the the tiny bump on the end and bottom of the tail tells us the gender. When mature it will be much redder, but will retain the yellow legs. In our area, I believe the autumn meadowhawk is the only meadowhawk species with yellow legs.

Gordon Dietzman Great Golden Digger Wasp
Great Golden Digger Wasp commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

Nice spotting; very nice photograph. I'd second ForestDragon's ID....

Gordon Dietzman Trumpeter Swan
Trumpeter Swan commented on by Gordon Dietzman Hudson, Wisconsin, USA10 years ago

Thank you all for your kind comments.

Gordon Dietzman Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl commented on by Gordon Dietzman Ontario, Canada10 years ago

Welcome to Project Noah!

Gordon Dietzman Chestnut-sided Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler commented on by Gordon Dietzman Ironton, Minnesota, USA10 years ago

Thanks Ashley. I spent a bunch of time trying to find an ID in my guides and just kept coming up with nothing. Yet in the back of my mind I knew what this was. Thanks again...

Gordon Dietzman Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

Ava, Had to chuckle at your creative use...grin.

Gordon Dietzman Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

I used a Canon 5DII with a 300mm f4L plus 1.4x converter for the photos. I was aware that they had been seen as far south as Florida. That is unbelievable. I wonder why they would fly so far south? (Not that Florida is a bad place; I'm about ready to head there myself after this really cold and snowy winter.)

Gordon Dietzman Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl commented on by Gordon Dietzman Minnesota, USA10 years ago

Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I've photographed owl irruptions before, but this may be a once in a lifetime event to see these owls in such numbers in our area. I have made several trips to this location as there are several in the area. They are, however, animals of great open spaces and I've only seen one this close before. Persistence pays off, I guess....grin.

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