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Have always loved Nature, and love looking around where ever I go to see what interesting animals, birds or plants I might find.


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Aisse Gaertner Dan Doucette Malcolm Wilton-Jones DanielePralong
Zlatan Celebic Dawn D. Lopez Garanzuay mm3281323 flowntheloop
JamesPriest2 Australian Stingless Bee
Australian Stingless Bee commented on by JamesPriest2 Gosford, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Thanks Neil for the link it was very interesting. I don't see them very often unfortunately. A few times at my cousins (where these pics were taken) and the hive they have at the Sydney royal botanic gardens

JamesPriest2 Leafhopper
Leafhopper commented on by JamesPriest2 San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico5 years ago

How beautiful!

JamesPriest2 Blue Flower Wasp
Blue Flower Wasp commented on by JamesPriest2 Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Thanks Neil. I have seen these a few times before, but this is the first time one was kind enough to sit still (mostly) for a photo or two :-)

JamesPriest2 Teddy Bear Bee
Teddy Bear Bee commented on by JamesPriest2 Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Thank you Neil. Yes I love the common name. I've been trying for years to get a photo of them. Have seen them flying around my garden for years, but never saw one stopping at a flower. It was a thrill to notice some roosting in my garden :-)

JamesPriest2 Lesser Purple Emperor
Lesser Purple Emperor commented on by JamesPriest2 Norte, Portugal5 years ago

Beautiful Butterfly

JamesPriest2 New Holland Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater commented on by JamesPriest2 Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

I should of mentioned that they are more common in Western Australia.

JamesPriest2 Northern Red Bishop
Northern Red Bishop commented on by JamesPriest2 Niger, Nigeria5 years ago

Beautiful looking bird

JamesPriest2 Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo commented on by JamesPriest2 Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

This is only the second time I've seen them in my yard. They are not very common sadly so it was so awesome for them to stop and hang around for about 15 minutes. It was a male and female with a Juvenile which was squawking all the time for food :-)

JamesPriest2 New Holland Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater commented on by JamesPriest2 Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

I remember seeing them here fairly regularly as a teenager to young adult Neil before I moved into the city, but this was the first once since moving back here in early 2015 after my Mum passed away, and the first one in many years to be honest. I'm in a bird group on facebook and a lady has been getting photos of them quite a bit of late at Penrith in the far western suburbs of Sydney

JamesPriest2 Scaly-breasted Munia / Spotted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia / Spotted Munia commented on by JamesPriest2 Paracel Islands5 years ago

Very cute little bird

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