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Ahwatukee Foothills (Phoenix), Arizona

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DonnaPomeroy Kpom
Bernadette S DonnaPomeroy rutasandinas
MarkCoryell Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

I've meant to get back to Project Noah for some time now but work, etc. has gotten in the way. I don't think that is it. The leaves on the plant I saw are more grey.

MarkCoryell Shrubby Mayweed
Shrubby Mayweed commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

I think I've found out what this is: Oncosiphon suffruticosum. The photo at this website has the best likeness to what I saw along the Gila River. Ironically enough this website appears to be from South Africa:

MarkCoryell Gambel Quail
Gambel Quail commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

Thanks! I used the computer to brighten up the shot a bit. He wouldn't move into the sun when I wanted him to. I'm hoping that they'll start coming around more often.

MarkCoryell Shrubby Mayweed
Shrubby Mayweed commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

I looked at the Wikipedia reference for Matricaria sp. and found one that looks close - Matricaria discoidea. According to Wikipedia it is found in Arizona. Wikipedia states that it is also found in disturbed areas. The spot where I found it was along a rocky shoreline of the Gila River where the water level changes. There is also some stream restoration going on nearby. The only difference is that the yellow flower on top on the one I saw doesn't have the wide fleshy stem underneath. Using Plants of Arizona, which I've found to be reasonably reliable, I couldn't find any listings in the index for Chamomile, Matricaria, or Lamiaceae.

MarkCoryell Shrubby Mayweed
Shrubby Mayweed commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

Thanks very much, Bernadette. I looked in Plants of Arizona by Anne Orple Epple and it lists two species of Artemesia in Arizona: filifolia (Sand Sagebrush) and franseroides (Ragweed Sagebrush). From the color pictures the shape and the size don't quite match what I saw. The plants I saw were about 2.5 - 3.0 feet in diameter and at the most 2.5 feet tall. It might be a similar genus or something a exotic not listed in the Plants of Arizona. When you touch the plants you get a strong scent on your hands. It was something like what you'd get from a Sage but seemed more powerful and almost like licorice.

MarkCoryell Clark's spiny lizard
Clark's spiny lizard commented on by MarkCoryell Sedona, Arizona, USA12 years ago

Nice shot.

MarkCoryell Rough-skinned Newt
Rough-skinned Newt commented on by MarkCoryell California, USA12 years ago

I'd vote for that Newt anytime!

MarkCoryell Sharp Shinned Hawk
Sharp Shinned Hawk commented on by MarkCoryell Phoenix, Arizona, USA12 years ago

Sadly, this afternoon I found Sharpie's body near the alley gate at the front of my house. His/her demise may have been caused by attempting, unsuccessfully, to fly through my living room window. And no, my windows aren't that clean. I'll sure miss Sharpie. But I'm sure the finches, doves, and sparrows that frequent my seed feeder don't feel the same way.

MarkCoryell Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler commented on by MarkCoryell Arizona, USA12 years ago

Thanks very much!

MarkCoryell Sharp Shinned Hawk
Sharp Shinned Hawk commented on by MarkCoryell Phoenix, Arizona, USA12 years ago

I guess he was my Christmas present from the bird community!

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