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Mother, daughter, wife and friend to all animal lovers.

Pike Creek, DE

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Ava T-B ReeceJones rutasandinas Liam
Ali Hemati Pour ConorSheaWing VSteven JC_Forester
MarybethRees Eastern Pale-headed Rosella
Eastern Pale-headed Rosella commented on by MarybethRees Queensland, Australia11 years ago

Beautiful pictures!!

MarybethRees Painted Lady
Painted Lady commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

Thank you both!! Happy New Year!!

MarybethRees Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

Thanks Fyn!

MarybethRees Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

It sure is Maria! :O)

MarybethRees Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

No Liam, I wish, by the time I got in a position to actually get that one he/she ruffled its feathers cuz it was snowing pretty heavily and took off.

MarybethRees American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch commented on by MarybethRees Pennsylvania, USA11 years ago

Why don't you add your photos to the Wildlife of the DELMARPA mission to show off what beauty we have in our surrounding areas.

MarybethRees Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk commented on by MarybethRees Arvada, Colorado, USA11 years ago

Amazing pictures!! She is absolutely gorgeous! I have become obsessed with hawks, my friends laugh when they see all my feeders in my yard saying I must not like bird watching I like hawk watching better because I am providing them with a perfect goes the circle of life.

MarybethRees American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch commented on by MarybethRees Pennsylvania, USA11 years ago

Awesome shot!!

MarybethRees White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

Thanks James. When I added it yesterday I wasn't paying attention because they are definitely 2 similar yet very different looking birds, between their size, markings and sounds...I'm pretty thankful I get to see both every day :o) Happy New Year!!

MarybethRees White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch commented on by MarybethRees Pike Creek, Delaware, Delaware, USA11 years ago

Thanks James I'll correct it, they are in my yard every day all day. I love their little chirps and sounds.

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