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Mrs. Adams

Mrs. Adams

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Mrs. Adams Snail
Snail commented on by Mrs. Adams Tacoma, Washington, USA10 years ago

Beautiful specimen! Please add it to our Bio Blitz mission. You can do that by "editing" your spotting. Great!

Mrs. Adams Moss
Moss commented on by Mrs. Adams Tacoma, Washington, USA10 years ago

Is this moss long and feathery? Or short and compact?

Mrs. Adams Devil's Coach Horse
Devil's Coach Horse commented on by Mrs. Adams Tacoma, Washington, USA10 years ago

The first student who correctly identifies the scientific name and habitat will win a prize!

Mrs. Adams Red eared slider turtle
Red eared slider turtle commented on by Mrs. Adams Tacoma, Washington, USA10 years ago

Can anyone find the scientific name for this turtle? I think it is a red eared slider...

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