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Saba (Dutch Caribbean)

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Dan Doucette Malcolm Wilton-Jones DanielePralong SamanthaCraven
Rithmini Weerakkody Giovani efarrow2014 Neil Ross
Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Thanks James!

Muckpuk Garden Lizard?
Garden Lizard? commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Hi Tukup and Saturniidae. Thanks for all your input. I have posted it in iNaturalist and added it to a local project in the hope someone knows more. So far no luck.
I have never seen any other color variant here on the island before so not so sure about this ID.

Muckpuk Ladybird Larvae
Ladybird Larvae commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago


Muckpuk Slug mama and eggs
Slug mama and eggs commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Never seen it before. My garden is producing some WOW moments! Thanks Tukup!

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Thank you very much for your lovely words SukanyaDatta, Tukup, Joseph CHIEF REDEARTH, Leuba Ridgway and AntónioGinjaGinja.
And thank you Earthworm cocoon :-) All credit to you!

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Thank you Rangers!
Thanks also Saturniidae27 and ornithoptera80.

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

;-) Leuba

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Hi Leuba Ridgway
Thank you and your welcome!
Not to rub it in but actually 4 of these were seen in our garden in different sizes!
I only saw two myself of which one actually popped when I gently picked it up and I quickly put it back in the soil. That one was a much smaller one then this one. I had never seen one before, so seeing 4 in our garden must mean that the conditions in our soil are ideal for them? Keep looking!
Hi Tukup thank you!

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

YAY. Thank you Mark for the nomination. I am very honored!

Muckpuk Earthworm Cocoon
Earthworm Cocoon commented on by Muckpuk Saba, Caribisch Nederland, Netherlands4 years ago

Thank you Neil Ross and Mark Ridgeway.
The world is an amazing place!

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