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jojolam237 Diana@TRR Machi shekainah d. alaban
NathBig Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by NathBig Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia10 years ago

Hard to tell for sure, but it's probably a Sand Goanna (Varanus gouldii) or a Yellow-spotted Monitor (Varanus panotpes), Although it's a bit out of the panoptes natural range. If it's captive though it could be that.

NathBig Burns' Dragon
Burns' Dragon commented on by NathBig Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Yeah the little bugger did bite me.... :)

NathBig Diamond-banded lacewing
Diamond-banded lacewing commented on by NathBig New South Wales, Australia10 years ago

Awesome! Well done! :)

NathBig Diamond-banded lacewing
Diamond-banded lacewing commented on by NathBig New South Wales, Australia10 years ago

Looks like a Green Lacewing, not sure of the particular species though.

NathBig Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by NathBig Mackay, Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Good shot of a checkered one here -

NathBig Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by NathBig Mackay, Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Yes only one species. It does vary widely in colour, and can have that checkered appearance (I think it's the skin between the scales). It's also quite common and likes water as the name suggests :). But yes hard to confirm without a closer shot.

NathBig Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by NathBig Mackay, Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Hard to confirm from that distance but it's most likely a keelback (freshwater snake).

NathBig Kreffts River Turtle?
Kreffts River Turtle? commented on by NathBig Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Given the thin shield on its head and the spiny tubercles on the neck I'd say this is a Saw-shelled turtle. Just lost his serrated shell as an adult.

NathBig Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by NathBig Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Hi Laura. It's most probably a juvenile Red Belly Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus). Otherwise, if it had really small eyes, it might be also be a Small Eyed Snake (Cryptophis nigrescens).

NathBig Golden-tailed Gecko
Golden-tailed Gecko commented on by NathBig Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Thanks everyone. Yes he was released nearby at the end of the day after all the clearing activity had been completed.

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