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NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin Eastern Grey Squirrel
Eastern Grey Squirrel commented on by NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin Kansas, USA10 years ago

Opps. This was the first one i posted i need to get them all posted and straighten out all the facts with them. i was debating on posting the other shots of the same little guy or not to people do that or just the same photo only. i now the website gives the option to post more photos of the same nature shot.

NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin Kori Bustard
Kori Bustard commented on by NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin New Orleans, Louisiana, USA10 years ago

The funny thing is i used to work there and its been so long ago i have started to forget the names of some of the species.. to go back and start learning again.

NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin Kori Bustard
Kori Bustard commented on by NathalieMarieImpastatoRocquin New Orleans, Louisiana, USA10 years ago

Thank you! I'm new to this site trying to figure it all out! Thank you for the help!

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