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NickDazio Peace Lily
Peace Lily commented on by NickDazio Sarasota, Florida, USA11 years ago

Thank you Susan, I was not aware of that.

NickDazio Marbled Orb Weaver
Marbled Orb Weaver commented on by NickDazio Minnesota, USA11 years ago

I think this may be a marbled orb weaver spider. Here's a website that contains pics of the spider: Scroll down a bit and I believe you'll see the same spider.

NickDazio Forage Looper Moths
Forage Looper Moths commented on by NickDazio Sarasota, Florida, USA13 years ago

I figured that, but thanks for the information.

NickDazio Yellow Brain Fungus
Yellow Brain Fungus commented on by NickDazio Sarasota, Florida, USA13 years ago

Tremella mesenterica is what it's called. More commonly known as yellow brain fungus or jelly fungus.

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