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Susan Carol Sam

Susan Carol Sam

I am a photographer,filmmaker, and author with a passion for observing and documenting the lives of groundhogs.


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Liza Lehrer DanielePralong HemaShah Ava T-B
Grabs Ava T-B DanielePralong maplemoth662
Susan Carol Sam Groundhog
Groundhog commented on by Susan Carol Sam Michigan, USA8 years ago

Thank you for the SOTD, and for the kind comments!
Marta, we find them to be very interesting animals to observe,
and their bad reputation exaggerated. I hope you have the
opportunity some day to observe and enjoy them!

Susan Carol Sam Groundhog
Groundhog commented on by Susan Carol Sam Michigan, USA8 years ago

Ava T-B He is doing well although he
has a deformed right foot which causes
him to limp. He was one of our two males
last year. With his bad foot, it was rather
a surprise to see him back this year!
Now we are awaiting emergence of babies
from the natal burrow. That should be
sometime in mid to late May.

Susan Carol Sam Groundhogs (mating)
Groundhogs (mating) commented on by Susan Carol Sam Franklin, Tennessee, USA8 years ago

Groundhogs mate in spring. Babies are
born usually around April. On our Michigan
property, the babies emerge in May and
disperse at the end of July or early August.
They only have one liter in a year.

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