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anoorag.saxena Tiger
Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Rajasthan, India11 years ago

Hemma, let's not make mountains out of mole hills. Ranthambore National Park is a 400 sq km area. If you are familiar with the map of RNP you will realize that my geo tag is nowhere even close to the tiger territories, so you have no need to worry.

anoorag.saxena Tiger
Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Rajasthan, India11 years ago

Tigers are a very sensitive subject and everyone has opinions on it. Tiger conservation is so subjective that these forums don't really do justice to the topic at hand.
Now we could have a long debate on this but the thing is, I believe in actions more than words. Definitely, these forums can spread the message to the masses but all of this would get lost in the abyss, we call the Internet.
I as a responsible tiger tourist and a tiger conservationist (in my little capacity) take whatever precautions are needed and whatever there is to do to help save the tigers. I associate myself with such fondness to some of the Tiger families that it is more than just photography or passion for me.

anoorag.saxena Tiger
Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Rajasthan, India11 years ago

The location I have given out is Ranthambore National Park. It's a tourist destination really so there is no secret to it.

However, the fact that "poachers" won't benefit from any information on the internet is just shortsightedness.
a.)The demand for Tiger skin and bones isn't a domestic demand in India - it comes from China.
b.)Tiger Skin and Bone trade is a rather organized sector - thanks to the Chinese authorities for not taking enough action.
c.) The domestic demand in India is on Tiger Tourism which has it's pros and cons. Responsible Tiger Tourism is very important but the unruly crowds I've seen at the Indian National Parks is just ridiculous - that includes the indigenous population and the foreign tourists.

To the question at hand, yes, the actual poacher may not benefit from the internet, but the trade organizer or the source of the demand can definitely gather intelligence from the internet. Giving out exact locations, count of Tigers in a region etc. is risking the Tigers themselves because it may indirectly give rise to the demand.

anoorag.saxena Tiger
Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Rajasthan, India11 years ago

Thanks for the link Gustavo.
But yes, I am aware that Tigers are near extinction and the sad part is that the international community or the Indian authorities have not yet fully woken up to the fact.
I, through my photography, wish to spread that message.

anoorag.saxena Tiger
Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Rajasthan, India11 years ago

Yes, this is in the wild.
The tiger was walking across our vehicle 4 ft in front of us and snarled at us as if warning us. It was making it's way to a waterhole.

anoorag.saxena Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Madhya Pradesh, India12 years ago

@Nann Flowers have pollen and pollen cause allergies which can bother you for years. Tigers that way are shy and tend to move away from humans. Still going to stick with wild-flowers? lol

anoorag.saxena Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger commented on by anoorag.saxena Madhya Pradesh, India12 years ago

When you see a tiger coming at you, that's EXACTLY when you need to dig your feet into the ground, pull out your camera and start clicking ;)

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