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dave mangham

dave mangham

Burton-on-Trent, England

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Mark Ridgway Brian38
dave mangham Cape Golden Mole
Cape Golden Mole commented on by dave mangham Knysna Local Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa4 years ago

Thanks everyone for the comments and the congratulations. Glad I've been able to contribute!

dave mangham Spotting
Spotting commented on by dave mangham Andalucía, Spain4 years ago

In total agreement with Ashutosh. Definitely P.paykulli, otherwise known as a Pantropical Jumping Spider.

dave mangham Wasps
Wasps commented on by dave mangham Colorado, Provincia Limón, Costa Rica4 years ago

Thanks ornithoptera80, but are you sure of the genus? The markings on the thorax would tend to suggest Agelaia sp.

dave mangham Renata's Satyr Butterfly
Renata's Satyr Butterfly commented on by dave mangham Provincia Alajuela, Costa Rica4 years ago

Thanks ornithoptera80.
How come this isn't in 'Butterflies of Costa Rica' by DeVries?

dave mangham Jaguar
Jaguar commented on by dave mangham Mato Grosso, Brazil4 years ago

Thanks! (your comment should read "Lucky picture". We can all take them if we're in the right place at the right time!)

dave mangham Large Woodskimmer
Large Woodskimmer commented on by dave mangham Colorado, Provincia Limón, Costa Rica4 years ago

Thanks Gaia80. Spot on!

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