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Raiyan Ahmed
Frank_SB MarinLeko rutasandinas Yasser
jumpingspiderman Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard commented on by jumpingspiderman California, USA12 years ago

I think there are several sub-species. It could also be one of those.

jumpingspiderman tarantula
tarantula commented on by jumpingspiderman Dadra and Nagar Haveli, India12 years ago

I definitely see the similarites between the two typs of spiders. You can't really tell from this photo, but wolf spiders have a row of four small eyes underneath the two large ones, with the two smaller ones on the carapace. Jumping spiders have a row of forward-looking eyes with two large eyes in the middle and two small ones on the outside. They look sort of like this: oOOo
Here's a link to a photo that shows the basic eye arrangement from above:

And here's a good one of a wolf spider:

jumpingspiderman Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by jumpingspiderman Arkansas, USA12 years ago

It looks like a white-banded crab spider, Misumenoides formosipes. The name sounds pretty specific, but these spiders actually show a wide variety of markings. Check out this BugGuide page for more info:

jumpingspiderman Daring jumping spider
Daring jumping spider commented on by jumpingspiderman Florida, USA12 years ago

Cool photos! It's a Phidippus audax jumping spider. You can tell Phidippus audax from the very similar P. regius by the four black spots on the abdomen, which your spider has.

jumpingspiderman tarantula
tarantula commented on by jumpingspiderman Dadra and Nagar Haveli, India12 years ago

Cool photo! It's not a tarantula, but some type of wolf spider. I don't know enough about Indian wolf spiders to make a definite species ID, but this guy sure looks a lot like those in the genus Hogna, or maybe Geolycosa.

jumpingspiderman Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by jumpingspiderman Dadra and Nagar Haveli, India12 years ago

Jenis is right, it's a long legged fly in the family Dolichopodidae.

jumpingspiderman Bewick's wren
Bewick's wren commented on by jumpingspiderman Oklahoma, USA12 years ago

Yeah, I guess I did get the dates mixed up. I thought I saw this guy last December, but when I went back to look at the other photos I saw that I took the photo in February of this year.

jumpingspiderman Regal jumping spider (male)
Regal jumping spider (male) commented on by jumpingspiderman Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA12 years ago

Cindy--after seeing your comment I did some more research. I found out that P. regius has disproportionally large, black and white striped front legs, and two oval-shaped white spots at the end of the abdomen. This guy had both of these distinguishing characteristics, so I'm pretty confident he's P. regius.

jumpingspiderman Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by jumpingspiderman Little Rock, Arkansas, USA12 years ago

This looks like a millipede in the genus Eurymerodesmus

jumpingspiderman Rove Beetle
Rove Beetle commented on by jumpingspiderman Pennsylvania, USA12 years ago

Latimeria is right, it's definitely a rove beetle. It looks a lot like Platydracus maculosus. I couldn't find a common name, though.

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