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Gympie Queensland Australia

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kevin_jackson1 Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by kevin_jackson1 Lat: 0.00 Lon: 0.00a year ago

This is an invasive weed of our riparian areas. Thanks to the attitude that our creeks and streams are convenient dump sites for garden wastes.
As suburban development continually expands and intrudes into our natural environments, our streams and creeks will increasingly become stormwater and the sewage drains.

This not exaggerating. It is already happening in peri-urban/rural areas in near metropolitan and coastal areas of Qld.

kevin_jackson1 Spotting
Spotting commented on by kevin_jackson1 Caboolture, QLD, Australiaa year ago

This is what the riparian areas and drainage lines in coastal eastern Qld will look like in the future if they don't already.
Followed by total destruction of all native vegetation above ground level.

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