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lilabner30 Sonoran coralsnake
Sonoran coralsnake commented on by lilabner30 Nogales, Arizona, USA12 years ago

Saw one of these while hiking in March in Florida. Although I had my camera in hand, I couldn't have gotten the shot as I was too busy backing up---FAST--and pulling my kids with me! Ha! You should have heard us all yelling "Red touch yellow kill a fellow!" None of us could take our eyes off him as our coral snake was jumping as he was retreating. He was truly startled by our crazy yelling trio. Fun, but scary memory. Thanks for the beautiful picture of an absolutely gorgeous snake!

lilabner30 Florida Soft Shell turtles
Florida Soft Shell turtles commented on by lilabner30 Orlando, Florida, USA12 years ago

thank you, Bandhturtlesite!

lilabner30 Hairtailed Blenny
Hairtailed Blenny commented on by lilabner30 Davao Del Norte, Philippines12 years ago

I vote for fish. What an amazing spotting. Thanks for posting

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