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Scott Frazier Rubens Araujo
loudsinger Zebra Swallowtail
Zebra Swallowtail commented on by loudsinger Evansville, Indiana, USA11 years ago

How did you get that creature to hold still long enough to snap a picture! A beautiful close-up!

loudsinger Zebra swallowtail butterfly
Zebra swallowtail butterfly commented on by loudsinger Tennessee, USA11 years ago

I am learning that butterflies don't often hold still long enough to let you take their picture!

loudsinger Red Admiral
Red Admiral commented on by loudsinger Tennessee, USA12 years ago

Thanks for identifying this creature. You are correct!

loudsinger Spiderwort
Spiderwort commented on by loudsinger Saint Louis, Missouri, USA12 years ago

Looks like spiderwort when I checked it in google images.

loudsinger Orange Milkweed
Orange Milkweed commented on by loudsinger Arkansas, USA12 years ago

If you go to google images, and put in 'butterfly weed,' you'll see several images identifying it as such.

loudsinger Carolina rhododendron
Carolina rhododendron commented on by loudsinger North Carolina, USA12 years ago

I believe what you really may have there is a catawba rhododendron. It just doesn't look like the dozens of other mountain laurels pictured under "similar spottings."

loudsinger Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret commented on by loudsinger Tennessee, USA12 years ago

I think you're correct, I will try to add it!

loudsinger Red-spotted Newt
Red-spotted Newt commented on by loudsinger Tennessee, USA12 years ago

Are lizards considered reptiles?

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